Sep 1, 2009


Shooting fashion portraits can be very intimidating for me. Despite my very open personality, I can be pretty shy when it comes to posing people I do not know. Luckily I have some really cool friends who have offered themselves as guinea pigs so that I can get better. I am a "moment capturer"... an "emotion freezer". In other words, I love capturing genuine moments and true expressions. This is why I gravitate towards weddings. Fashion is intimidating because as a photographer, I am forced to create that moment and sell a "look." Thank goodness for my free spirited friends who make that part of my job easy and fun.

Joanna is one of my most favorite friends. She has so much energy and love for life that in just two seconds she can remind you that there is so much to be grateful for. Whether it's reminding you that pride in one's work is not to be mistaken for arrogance or of simple truths like not allowing stress to rob you of joy; Joanna seizes every opportunity she has to live in the moment. Not in a way that is careless but more so in a way that views every moment in life as an opportunity to create a memory and grow as a person.

During our shoot last weekend my Speedotron lighting kit was not playing nicely which forced me to switch to my two Nikon SB900 speed lights. I followed a Joanna rule of "going with it" and didn't allow the technical problems with my gear ruin a fun time shooting with my friend. Two of my dearest rules applied that night as well: practice makes perfect and always carry a back up. All that time I dedicated to practicing with my little speed lights paid off in the end. Lighting kits are amazing but as I learned that night, speed lights can save your tail in a pinch.

Despite the technical difficulties, I think the shots came out pretty well.


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