Jul 25, 2009

Melody & Preston

So I served as third shooter at a wedding with Peter Bang this week. Peter and I have been friends for years and I have wanted to work with him for a while and I am glad I got to do so. I have been shooting a lot of "life style" pictures for months (i.e. parties, special events, portraits, etc.). I have wanted to get into doing weddings for a long time but wanted to shadow some people I respect in the business. Who better to ask than my friend Peter. I found that weddings are really fun and the high paced energy was an environment I thrived in. I also am getting to meet other wedding photogs like Jenny James along the way.

On that note... Melody and Preston were a lot of fun to work with. They were an easy going and laid back couple that really appreciate the art of photography and had a lot of fun places and ideas in mind for their pictures. Here are a few samples. Enjoy!


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